Envision Exercise

Creating Contrast

By creating a clear contrast between how we perceive ourselves as imperfect and our innate, boundless perfection, we can begin to disentangle the two. This distinction grants us the clarity to separate truth from illusion, while empowering us to live a life that genuinely feels perfect.

Step 1: 

To begin the process of creating contrast and manifesting the possibility of perfect relationships in our lives, we must first identify what your ‘perfect self’ truly is—that elusive, often overlooked aspect of you that may feel impossible to imagine, yet is undeniably real…

Your Perfect Self

At the core of your being, there’s a part of you that is inherently calm, kind, confident, and wise. You may have glimpsed this part of yourself at moments—it’s curious, compassionate, courageous, clear, connected, and creative. This is the aspect of you that feels whole and complete, untouched by external pressures.

When you meet this version of yourself, there’s this deep sense of peace and knowing, as if you’ve been searching for something your entire life and suddenly found it. You don’t need to prove anything, because you feel satisfied just being yourself. It’s like stepping into a space where you can fully trust yourself, with no judgment or fear, just clarity, love, and an undeniable strength.

This exists in all of us. This is why we’re inherently perfect. 

Here are some ways we can distinguish our perfect self from our imperfect-based persona:

1. Presence and Calmness:

The perfect self often feels like a calm, quiet presence within you. It’s not agitated or overwhelmed by life’s challenges, and it brings a sense of peace when you tap into it.

2. Non-Judgmental Awareness:

It’s the part of you that doesn’t judge yourself or others. It can observe your thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them, offering you a perspective that is more understanding and accepting.

3. Inner Knowing:

Your perfect self comes with a deep sense of knowing or intuition. It’s not based on logic or external influence but on an inner truth that guides your decisions and actions.

4. Self-Acceptance:

When you connect with your perfect self, there’s no need to prove anything. You feel a sense of acceptance for who you are, flaws and all.

5. Emotional Resilience:

Your perfect self remains steady even during emotional turbulence. While you may feel sadness, anger, or fear, the core self knows these are temporary states and does not identify with them.

6. Compassion and Love:

The perfect self radiates love and compassion, both for yourself and others. It’s a loving space where kindness and understanding come naturally, without effort.

7. Authenticity:

It’s the version of you that feels most true and unfiltered. When you’re being your perfect self, you feel like you’re simply being yourself, without trying to meet expectations or wear a mask.

By defining your perfect self, we’ve simultaneously outlined what is not the perfect self, simply through comparison. Anything that falls outside of this definition is your imperfect-based persona attempting to deceive you. Keep this perspective in mind as you move forward with the exercise.

Step 2: 

Since we now understand how our perfect self manifests itself in our lives, the second step will be discovering, through the act of creating contrast, exactly how your ‘imperfect persona’ shows up.

Envision Your Perfect Partner

In the Perfect Partner exercise below, the goal is to envision your perfect partner in all their splendor along with how that relationship would be fully experienced. 

Why envision? As mentioned at the top, creating the perfect relationship takes the ability to dream up a possibility that many people have never experienced or even considered. It requires imagining something beyond extraordinary and unapologetically setting a standard for it. Only then do we grant the opportunity for a kind of possibility like this to even exist. 

“What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill

As you engage in this exercise, you may notice your sneaky imperfect-persona attempting to sabotage your efforts, blocking the possibility of experiencing a relationship that aligns with your authentic, perfect self—so keep your eyes peeled.

Perfect Partner Exercise Instructions

Please read the following instructions before attempting the worksheet below them. Please note: you will be starting the worksheet filling out column B and C first, then completing the exercise below the worksheet before returning to fill out column D.

Download Perfect Partner Worksheet

Start with Column B

Under column B, “Your Perfect Relationship”, you’ll be writing responses to the prompts provided that are designed to create the canvas for you to Envision your perfect relationship. These prompts are essentially relationship scenerios. “What would your perfect partner do if…”. Your job is to use the power of your imagination to envision the absolute best case scenario for each.

Ensure you focus on the following:

  • The goal here is to DREAM BIG. 

  • You’re going to break the bounds of your normal everyday imagination and push it to the limit. 

  • Anything goes. Nothing should get in your way.

  • Your ideal partner could be ANYONE you choose. 

  • If you already have a partner, attempt to imagine them exactly how you’d like them to be.

  • Only write in positive statements. Limit any attempts at comparison or “They wouldn’t do [blank]”

  • Try to be as literary as possible. 

  • Imagine yourself as an accomplished romance novelist and go into deep details in the description of everything you’re illustrating. 

  • Create rich and inviting dialogues between you and your perfect partner. 

  • Make them come alive on the page. 

  • How precisely would they touch, taste, feel if they showed up in your world right now?

Next, Column C

Under “Your Imperfect Objections”,  you’ll be writing down any objections that arise from what you wrote in column B. Anything that’s  trying to convince you that having what you write is either impossible or highly unlikely. 

Every time you notice a sense of ‘cringe’ or discomfort writing something daring or bold on the left, make sure you sit with that feeling and try to understand what it is telling you then describe what it’s saying in detail. This is your imperfect-persona speaking.

You're almost there!

Through this brave act of envisioning, you are distinguishing the stark contrast between your perfect self, that is indeed perfect and has always been perfect, versus your imperfect-persona which we blame (and in turn blames us) for all of our imperfections. A part of you wants to just erase the column C and throw it in the trash don’t you!!? But let’s hold on to it for now because that column is more important than you will ever imagine. 

That column C, with all the nastiness it might contain, is crucial to creating the integration necessary to align you with your inner perfection, giving you the power to be and feel perfect on a standard moment-by-moment basis. For step-by-step instructions on how to do this, please proceed to the next step.

Finally, Colomn D

Before completing column D titled “Your New Narrative,” be sure to engage in the exercise below: "Integrate to Acclimate Your Perfect Self".

Once you’ve fully engaged in this exercise, return to column D and craft a new, empowering narrative that supports, shows compassion for, and guides your ‘imperfect objections’ toward a more powerful way of being in the world.

Integrate to Acclimate Your Perfect Self

Step A:  In a quite safe environment, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Sit in this silence a little more than what feels normal. Take a trip deep within your body. Feel into your heart. 

Step B:  Let yourself feel the uncomfortable emotions; these thoughts are triggering in you. When i say ‘feel’ it means allow them to exist, stop fighting them, as frightening as it is to face them, look them straight in the eyes with compassion and love. If you sense loneliness, allow yourself to feel this loneliness to the fullest. You might imagine that it will feel worse but it’s actually the opposite. This step might take a minute, 5 minutes or even hours at first. Take your time.

Step C:  Invite your perfect self to soothe and calm your imperfect-persona. Your perfect self is the loving parent: Caring, supportive, understanding. Your non-perfect self is like a hurt innocent child that wants to fight. How would a loving parent handle a hurt child? Allow yourself to be this for however long it takes. 

Step D:  After you are done soothing the pain of your inner child, tell it again the new story you are practicing - affirm your desires by stating them or writing them down in your journal:

i.e: “I am loved and love will always find me“ - “I can see myself having a perfect relationship” - “I can be happy in my relationships” etc.

Anytime your perfect self and imperfect-persona are in conflict, take a deep breath, allow your feelings to come up and then remind yourself of your desires. 

Consistency is key here. This is not a one time thing, this is needed every time you are triggered. Go back to this formula and do it again until it becomes second nature. 

With time it will become easier and easier for you to get out of the triggered state faster and go back to a more joyful, ‘perfect’ state.

Remember! Once you’re done with this exercise return to the Perfect Partner Worksheet above and fill out column D.

Download Perfect Partner Worksheet


I know firsthand that this isn’t an easy exercise! But what you’ve just done is lay the foundation for discovering the truth of who you are at your core — a perfect being here on earth capable of having perfect relationships. 

The more you continue to shape and refine your vision of the perfect partner and relationship, and the more you work to heal your imperfect-based persona, the clearer and more inviting this vision will become to others. 

This exercise not only brings you into a way of perfection as a being, but it also provides you with the tools to see others' perfection beyond their own imperfect-personas. With this knowledge and transformation you’ve participated in, you’ve now created the possibility for deeply fulfilling and connected relationships to manifest throughout your life.

So thank you for taking the time to engage with this.

Envision Exercise